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For: inflammation

Visceral Fat Causes Artery Disease
Visceral Fat Causes Artery Disease Visceral fat is the fat around your organs. It is internal fat and very different than subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is what you pinch on your side or arm or wherever. Subcutaneous fat is designed to store calories in order to make it through winter or any other calorie-deprivation period. It does not cause inflammation. Visceral fat is a whole different affair. It spews out all sorts of inflammatory cytokines. Those cytokines cause damage and dysfunction ...
Visceral Fat is in Your Muscles Too
Visceral Fat is in Your Muscles Too! Last week we learned that not all fat is the same. So-called "visceral fat" is inside your abdominal cavity and wrapped around your organs. It is intensely inflammatory" and associated with virtually all the disabling, degenerative diseases of aging. "Why are my knuckles so big?' or "Why is my knee arthritis so bad?" are both probably best answered by "The inflammation spewing out of visceral fat".Accumulating visceral fat is probably a product of too many pr...
How to Stop Post COVID-19 Heart Inflammation in Kids
How to Repair Post-COVID Heart Inflammation in Children The COVID pandemic is not yet over. As of Oct 6, 2023, some 230 people are dying from COVID-19. Most of those were over age 65 of whom a majority were unvaccinated. Children hardly get COVID at all. That is likely attributable to the protective effect of Nitric Oxide in children, among other features. But some do, and with some severity. Much has been made about children getting cardiomyopathy from the COVID-19 vaccine leading to vaccine he...
Chronic Lyme disease has Demyelination on MRI
Chronic Lyme has MRI Scan Changes Consistent with Demyelination Chronic Lyme Disease is a mystery, much like Chronic COVID. There is clearly a similarity with Chronic Lyme and CIRS. We, in the CIRS community, contend that chronic Lyme disease is a cause of about 10% of CIRS with 80% of CIRS being caused by mold/actinomycetes toxins from water-damaged buildings. Brain fog is high on the list of aggravating symptoms. Additional symptoms like “difficulty concentrating”, “learning new knowledg...
The Real Cause of Postpartum Depression
The REAL Cause of Post-Partum Depression It was all over the news. CNN, and others, all announcing the discovery of a new drug to treat post-partum depression. Zuranolone has been approved by the FDA to be marketed under the name Zurzuvae. Zuranolone is a positive allosteric modulator of GABA-A receptors. GABA functions as the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter for the central nervous system. It slows down and inhibits neurotransmission. Here's the catch. It will cost around $ 34,000 for treatm...
Turmeric and Chronic Pain
Controlling Chronic Pain with Turmeric Curcumin is an interesting spice. It is foundational to curry and the yellow in mustard. The spice has 3 components but it is only the bis-demethoxy-curcumin, missing two methyl groups, and comprising only 3% of the spice that is the active ingredient for inducing super-long chain GTAs, or gastrointestinal acids that protect against cancers. All three components have effects on inflammation. The inflammation of chronic pain is tied up with many complex inte...
How to Cure Migraine - Maybe Forever
How to Cure Migraine: Forever! "Dad, I've got the worst headache I've ever had. It came on suddenly." My own son, calling me from the mid-Atlantic on a plane from Switzerland, coming to a family reunion. This is the worst possible thing you can tell a parent. He must have an aneurysm that's leaking. He needs a CT scan and probably surgery. "When do you land? We'll be there." He was coming with his family from Switzerland, to land in Boston in 90 minutes. We had minutes to get on the road, but it...
Muscle Mass Defines Diabetes
Muscle Mass Defines Type 2 Diabetes What does muscle mass have to do with diabetes? Very simple. You take up glucose in your muscles. If you lose muscle mass, you run out of places to put the glucose, so the glucose level in the blood starts to climb. Your insulin level then starts to climb. But as Grandma used to say, "You can't put five pounds of sugar in a four-pound bag." Insulin resistance ensues. Insulin is damaging to your kidneys and stimulates you to hang on to sodium. Blood pressure go...
The Autism Cure Program
How To Fix Autism: The Program, Part 4 We have reviewed the critical metabolic problems that promote autism. 1. Mitochondrial distress from an overload of elections and NADH leads to loose electrons that make reactive oxygen species. Cause of this? Anything that causes inflammation, reduces Nitric Oxide. High fructose corn syrup and table sugar are both right up there. Those reactive oxygen species make peroxide. 2. Too much hydrogen peroxide overwhelms all the safety systems to neutralize and w...
Autism is a Disease of Abnormal Microglial Activation - Part 3
Autism is a Disease of Microglia Activation that Damage Nerve Fibers - Part 3 Ok, last week we learned the incontrovertible proven fact that kids with autism have mitochondria that are being overwhelmed and are unable to handle the volume of electrons they are being presented. Some escape and make reactive oxygen species that cascade down to the hydroxyl ion. All the salvage steps in between; superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione, get overwhelmed, as can be proven by lab tests showing ...

