Asparagus, Cure for Cancer

April 17, 2017

Asparagus, Cure for Cancer? 

 References:  Hope for CancerAICRSnopes

 Does asparagus cure cancer? Any cancer? No. And it might make leukemia worse. I've been asked twice this week about it, so it must be a hot topic out there in email-land. Repeat, it doesn't cure cancer. By itself. Is there a nugget of truth in it? 

Now that's a whole other story. Yes! There is a nugget. There are several and this is important for you to know. Nugget number one. Asparagus is a strongly alkaline vegetable. That means it has lots of magnesium and potassium in it, making for an alkaline effect. In simplest summary, if you ate only asparagus, your urine pH would be alkaline. Cancer cells don't like alkali. They depend on lower acidic pH to facilitate blood vessel growth. More on this later. 

 Nugget number two. Asparagus has a very low glycemic index. That means it has virtually no effect on insulin. Considering that insulin is one of cancer's most potent growth factors, the lower your insulin, the less intrinsic stimulation you will get. You are much better off eating all your calories in the form of asparagus rather than cookies and ice cream. 

 Nugget number three. Fiber. Asparagus has tons of fiber. Fiber pushes the calories down to your colon and nourishes all the biome in your colon. That's good. Healthy gut biome means a robust immune system. We like a robust immune system. 

 Nugget number four. Glutathione. Asparagus is one of our best food sources of glutathione. Glutathione helps you rid yourself of all the negative ions that cancer seems to spew out, which help cancer growth. We like glutathione. 

 So, what's the full story about alkalinity? Would asparagus apply and work if you only ate vegetables? The integrative cancer fellowship I took has alkalinity as one of its foundational principles, along with eating low insulin-inducing foods. The first step in many cancer programs is to eat more vegetables with high "alkaline" qualities - mostly above-ground green leafy type vegetables. Or, take two teaspoons of potassium bicarb a day. Measure your urine pH. You have enough vegetables when your pH gets to 7.0 on first-morning void. 

 Mark Rosenberg, head of the University of South Florida Integrative Cancer Fellowship program, uses alkaline therapy strategies with dramatic effect. By combining the vulnerabilities of cancer cells to insulin, alkali, glucose and oxygen, he has demonstrated quite remarkable cancer burden reduction, and in some cases complete remission of Hospice care patients. His strategies will soon become standards of care. In his hospital in Columbia, South America, he combines heat therapy with high dose glucose and oxygen to ramp up cancer metabolism, then blocks acid excretion from cancer cells, forcing the cancer cell to become internally acidotic and die. No side effects. No human toxicity. Cancer shrinks. Alkaline therapy works, in the case of making it extreme, like Dr. Rosenberg. It should be slightly effective in the single serving of asparagus. Will you be able to demonstrate a cure? No. 

 WWW.What will work for me. Many of these alleged cancer cures have a tiny nugget of truth. The devil is in the details. I eat asparagus with enthusiasm. But I also eat the widest variety of vegetables I can get, as long as they aren't rooted veggies. The roots have too many carbs. 

 Pop Quiz

  1. You can cure cancer with asparagus? T or F                Answer:   If you can find a real case, please call me. Until then, it's false.
  2. Asparagus has some cancer fighting qualities? T or F                  Answer:   True: here you can say true. To get to a cure, you might need to eat more than humanly possible.
  3. Alkaline therapy, which includes asparagus and other green vegetables, may have a dramatic impact on cancer.  T or F                          Answer:  Now you are cooking. True. Maybe not yet fully appreciated.
  4. You will get less cancer if you weigh less. T or F                        Answer:  This is generally true. Your insulin level is lower when your fat cells are smaller. Insulin is a growth factor for cancer cells.
  5. You can fight cancer by eating fat and less carbs. T or F                    Answer:  This is also true, but it's a whole other topic. Cancers can't digest or metabolize fat. Simply that

