MARCoNs and Biotoxin Illness, Part VI

October 30, 2017 References: Surviving Mold, Biotoxin Journey, Weston Price Foundation, Truly Heal, What Doctors Don't Tell You, MARCoNs stands for MULTIPLE ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT COAGULASE NEGATIVE STAPH. It grows in your nose, if and only if your immune system allows it. Coag Negative Staph is meant to be a simple commensal skin organism that everyone has. No big deal, right? I can culture it off your forehead, your arm, your leg. It's a normal skin organism. That changes with Biotoxin illness. Biotoxins, in the 30% of the population that are genetically unable to defend themselves sufficiently, (they just can't "see" the toxin to make an antibody) make a flood of cytokines that damage the leptin receptor in your hypothalamus, not allowing you to make enough Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH). With low MSH, you can't make a proper balance of T-reg cells that keep you defended against invading bugs. Like Staph epidermidis, Coag Neg Staph. MARCoNs takes up residence in your nose. Then, something wicked happens. MARCoNs make two evil extra proteins, heavens knows why, that continue to suppress MSH. That enables them to keep up residence in your nose and sinuses. This "merry-go-round" persists endlessly in biotoxin illness, keeping your MSH Low. This has disastrous implications we will explore in future mailings. Bredesen projects that as many as 500,000 Americans with cognitive decline owe part of it to MARCoNs, so this is a big, big deal. The real enemy with MARCoNs is the biofilm. Understanding biofilms has been a huge advance. In biofilms there is a community of organisms that appear to act in concert, not as individuals. They gang up and share their genetic material and create a soup of goop that protects them from the intrusion of white cells that could gobble them up, or antibiotics that could damage them. Something about MARCoNs and biotoxin illness encourages the development of a biofilm in your nose. It doesn't necessarily cause any symptoms, so you can't tell its there. But you won't clear the MARCoNs if you don't address the protective biofilm. Hence, BEG spray. EDTA is the E in BEG and dissolves biofilms. B is for Bactran and G for gentamicin, two antibiotics that will kill staph. One spray each side three times a day for a month should do it, if you have oral Rifampin with it, or two sprays, three times a day without the rifampin. XClear, or xylitol nose spray for a week ahead of time will help break up biofilms too and is a good addition if you want to really get a running start. If you have trouble, read the Biotoxin Journey blog referenced above. This opens the whole field of chronic sinusitis. Sinus infection is the number one reason for antibiotic use in America today, and the majority of folks who get more than one course of antibiotics have a fungal infection instead/in addition. It appears that infected sinuses and infected teeth are all one community. Shoemaker has shown that a lot of infected teeth also have MARCoNs in them. Weston Price, back in the 1920's and 30's showed that you don't clear root canals of their infection because the bacteria burrow into the interstices of the teeth and the dentin canals of the teeth. Weston Price put infected teeth into rabbits and found that the rabbits got the same disease as the human tooth donor. Was he dealing with MARCoNs? And now we are learning that ozone therapy can cure sinusitis by instilling ozone gas into sinuses, better than many other methods. Ozone works by unknown mechanisms, presumably by turning on better oxygen flow in white cells, making them into little Ninja tigers. But it seems to work. The literature to support this is in Chinese and Russian and Italian. American's have been a bit behind the curve at researching ozone. My read is that there appears to be a convergence of understanding of new methods and mechanisms of disease, aching for more collaborative research. WWW.What will work for me. This is mesmerizing because it is so new and so confoundingly different from anything traditional medicine has taught. I'm following Shoemaker's protocol to the T. He has been a genius at elucidating a pathway to cure biotoxin illness. Getting rid of MARCONS is step three in his pathway. He data base (8,000 patients) is huge and shows that 80% of folks with biotoxin illness have MARCoNs and 60% are methicillin resistant. BEG spray for a month works. My experience with about 100 agrees with him. But I want to keep my eyes open for real methods that work. This ozone thing might bear fruit. Let's stay tuned.   Pop Quiz:
  1. MARCoNs is a rare bacteria. T or F                                                    Answer: Trick question. It's rare in healthy folks, but 30% of the populations is vulnerable to biotoxin illness and with that, they have a 60% chance of getting MARCoNs.
  2. MARCoNs is a normal skin bacteria turned devil in your nose? T or F                    Answer: Bingo. Right on the money
  3. If you have biotoxin illness, you won't get better unless you eradicate MARCoNs. T or F Answer: Bingo, Right on the money
  4. Root canal teeth may have MARCoNs infections, just like sinuses, connecting sinus and teeth infections. T or F                                                                   Answer: Whoa, True and head turning.
  5. Bacteria from infected teeth were shown to transmit disease to rabbits by whom and when? Answer:  Weston Price, dentist extraordinaire, from the 1920s. He didn't know about MARCoNs or biofilms, but he was all over the complications of it

