Salicylate Intolerance, Food Allergies, and CIRS
May 31, 2020References: Iran J Immunology, Healthline, Nat Commun, Diet vs Disease, Nature,
Do you have occasional floods of odd symptoms when you eat? Chest pains? Gas? Bloating? ER Visits? No Answers? I've heard of all of those, and we don't always have simple answers. And we see more of these in CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) than in the regular population. CIRS, or what you know of as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, is becoming better understood as a dysfunctional transcription of inflammatory genes. The word "transcriptomic" illness. You turn on odd, inappropriate genes that result in symptoms you can't understand. For example, if you turn on IRS2, a gene attached to glucose metabolism and the ability to burn glucose in mitochondria, you may end up with shutting the pore into mitochondria that imports glucose, a reduction in ATP production, lactic acidosis, an increased anion gap.........doesn't that sound frightening, all over an itty-bitty little food allergy? If you want to dive down that rabbit hole, you can find a whole lot of fascinating detail that is the cutty edge of microbiology that is all about gene expression and foods.
You've heard of aspirin sensitivity and certainly know some folks who have been a little sensitive to stomach irritation with aspirin. Those effects are chemical and occur immediately because of the acidifying. They aren't the topic here. We are talking about a gene-inducing and activating process. That takes some sort of trigger to get it started and then training. That training or persistent activation is basically nudging the gene to keep being turned on, again, and again. With food, that means you have to keep being reexposed to it. What foods might have salicylates in them? A lot! Salicylates were discovered in willow bark where they are highly concentrated as a poison to protect willow trees from insect predation. But that means nature has figured out how to make them, and those genes ended up in other plants to that use them to protect themselves in a similar fashion. So, you find 218 mg of salicylate in grams of curry powder. Raspberries are high. Apples, avocados, cherries, figs are all in the high group. Many of those foods are good for you, and there is something to be said for eating foods that provoke you to raise your own defense mechanisms. It just goes wrong when you become overly sensitized. And that happens when you don't have the ability to turn off your immune response properly.
We have heard this same story with latex allergies. What starts as the regular use of nice, stretchy gloves turns into hands covered with rashes, itching, bleeding, then asthma and fatigue. I've seen it happen myself. A little bandaid sets of days of terrible discomfort. Is latex allergy similar? Does everyone get it? Is it part of CIRS? No, everyone doesn't get it? But the frontier of medical research is now to the point of looking at those genes and watching how they are activated. And that is were we see the unique intersection of CIRS and salicylate allergy, latex allergy. (Did you know that latex allergy overlaps with many foods too? Yeah! Really: apple, avocado, banana, carrot, celery, chestnut, kiwi, melons, papaya, raw potato and tomato are on that list)
In CIRS, I keep hearing of ER visits for crushing chest pain with no identifiable cause. Horrible bloating and terrible abdominal pain, with no known cause. Frantic itching, with no known cause. Until we do the GENIE test. The GENIE is the very first test on the market that actually looks at the genes you have activated and are found in your serum floating around in exosomes. If you haven't heard of exosomes, become familiar with them. They carry your activated DNA messages all around your body. When I read your exosomes, I read what your body is naturally doing. I can see your IRS2 gene, your large ribosome protein-making gene, your histamine gene, your PTSD gene.......over 100 genes that are known to be activated around the CIRS diagnosis. It's new. It's raw. It's unrefined, but it is the next step forward as it gives us the path to find resolution. We can connect cause to action.
WWW.What will work for me? I'm being humbled every week by how much our own bodies know how to do that is filled with wonder and complexity. But also how it goes wrong. I'm personally not very sensitive to anything. But I see it in my clients. And what used to sound like crocky, crazy symptoms are beginning to have real, valid, measurable, scientifically validated causes to them. My ears burn with anguish that I didn't learn this earlier.
Pop Quiz
1. If you go to an ER with horrible chest pain and find nothing, you are likely a little nuts and don't have anything wrong with you? T or F Answer: False. Your symptoms are just from something we can't measure yet in conventional medicine. If you ask the doctor for a GENIE test, they might look at you with a startle.
2. What is a GENIE test? Answer: Expansion of the messenger RNA found in tiny exosomes in your blood. You have a couple of million exosomes per cc in your blood reflecting the messages every cell in your body is sending to every other cell. The GENIE grabs those, expands them, measures them and tells you exactly what your cells are doing.
3. Where is the GENIE being used? Answer: To solve the dilemmas of CIRS patients who have not yet gotten better.
4. Folks who eat apples and bananas may have? Answer: Salicylate or latex allergies, associated with CIRS, and turning on the same abnormal transcriptomic responses.
5. So, just what is CIRS? Answer: The eccentric and awful dysfunctional activation of genes brought about by toxins from water damaged buildings: a transcriptomic illness, a new field of medicine.