Plasmalogens Predict Heart Disease Better than Cholesterol

April 21, 2024

Plasmalogens Predict Heart Disease Better Than Cholesterol

You have to understand statistics. When you take large populations of people and follow them for mortality against cholesterol, you find that folks who live the longest have total cholesterol between 210 and 240. Let that soak in. Folks below 200 live shorter lives. Got that? Now, measure how long those folks with higher cholesterol live, despite being put on a statin. Yup, yup, yup. Despite the statin, they still live longer than their controls. That means there was no benefit. What really happened is the statin didn't change anything.

What that means is slightly convoluted, but bear with me here. Exporting cholesterol out of a cell is a crucial feature. It requires nice, healthy, high levels of plasmalogens in the cell membrane. A healthy cell exports more cholesterol, because it has enough. The only way to get rid of cholesterol is to export it back to the liver and excrete it in bile. By itself, cholesterol is indigestible to human cells and must be disposed of through the bile. Carrying the cholesterol back to the liver requires HDL particles. Hence, nice high plasmalogens will result in higher total cholesterol in the blood, in part because there are higher total HDLs, and in part because the LDLs become large and fluffy.

What's the cholesterol, heart disease risk connection? Aha, that's key. We've said this before but it bears repeating again and again because so many people are being pressured by their family doctor, their cardiologist, or their internist, to get on statins because their total cholesterol is over 200. (They don't mention to their patients that American Heart Association quality assurance guidelines support paying bonuses to doctors who reach a threshold of statin prescriptions. Those guidelines were concocted by a committee of doctors paid by the statin industry.) How to you get to a cholesterol over 200? You have to have high HDLs and your LDLs become large and fluffy (and harmless), but make for higher volume. Hence, higher total cholesterol.

You can prove this to yourself by stopping all flour, sugar, and alcohol for a month. Add 5 servings of vegetables every day (or more). Top it off with intermittent fasting, compressing your calories into 8 hours. Presto! Your triglycerides will drop into the <75 range and your HDLs will climb. Now add plasmalogen supplementation (Prodrome Glia and Neuro) for 3 months and your HDLs will be 50% higher than they were before. That means your internal membranes are healthy, and cholesterol export is healthy. And you aren't developing heart disease.

Or you can read the Atherosclerosis article here attached that also proves it. High levels of plasmalogens predict future heart disease risk more accurately than cholesterol. The higher the plasmalogens, the lower the heart disease risk.

What is the actual sequence for heart disease? (I know, this is a repeat) Start with some sort of inflammatory spark (visceral fat qualifies). That will begin to deplete plasmalogens in the membranes of your endothelium, the lining of your arteries and capillaries. You can measure endothelial dysfunction with all sorts of new tests now. The endothelial cells in the arteries retract their membranes, exposing naked basement membrane below. Oxidized LDLs can now stick to that membrane, as can white blood cells. Then, you start to accumulate cholesterol in your artery. That is about step seven. Lowering cholesterol is like telling the crowd at a foosball game to go home. Yeah, it makes a difference to the players to not have adoring fans screaming for them, but it's not the main game. The main game was the inflammatory stress, depletion of plasmalogens, with the resultant deposition of cholesterol following

And that, my friend, you can measure and repair. You can turn off the source of inflammation by losing your poochy tummy that reflects visceral fat. You can stop eating sugar and white flour that overwhelm your mitochondria and force more peroxide to be made. You can take plasmalogens to replenish and repair what you lost by that trip to Culver's ice cream.

Finally, you can add NItric Oxide lozenges from twice a day to regrow your glycocalyx and Diosmin to support that process.

Why is this strategy compelling? Statins are poisons. Too many people have muscle fatigue and cramps. Brain fog and memory issues are enough of a concern. But more importantly, we need cholesterol. It's good for you. Your cells need it. Folks with the lowest cholesterol demonstrate more cancer. Folks with higher total cholesterol 210-240, live longer. I rest my case.

www.What will Work for me? If I didn't get asked this question every day, I wouldn't have to repeat it. Heart disease kills 50% of in. Did you know that the ratio of heart disease to breast cancer in women is 10:1. Yes, heart disease is a deadly event. We all need to take it very seriously. But the supplementation with plasmalogens and NO and loss of visceral fat is the real path forward. I went and got the first MRI in Milwaukee of visceral fat. I was the test case to run the software. I think of myself as fit and slender. My MRI showed that that self-image is a mirage. I have a moderately high level of visceral fat. That explains my high CRP that I've had forever. It's a wonder I haven't had a heart attack yet. At least I'm on the plasmalogens and the NO. With the introduction of plasmalogens, my HDLs went from 28 to 58 in just a few months. What a victory.

References: BMJ, BMJ Open, Lipids in Health Disease, Atherosclerosis, Scand Jr Primary Health Care, Jr CardioVasc Thoracic Res,

Pop Quiz

1. What's the FIRST STEP of heart disease?                              Answer: Some sort of "oxidative stress" from inflammation. That could be too many calories, trans fats, smoking, sedentary lifestyle. Whatever it takes to damage the mitochondria so electrons escape and peroxide is present.

2. What is the SECOND STEP of heart disease?                        Answer: Peroxide destroys plasmalogens everywhere. That results in a molecule called malondialdehyde which you can measure and that accurately predicts coming trouble from vascular disease, just like low plasmalogens. They are basically measuring the same phenomenon.

3. What is the THIRD STEP in heart disease?                          Answer: The cells lining your arteries (called the endothelium) which are rich in plasmalogens, lose a lot of their natural function and can no longer be delicate and slender. They pull back their membranes and look more like a fried egg. Exposing basement membrane.

4. What is the FOURTH STEP in heart disease?                         Answer: White cells stick to the damaged basement membrane and oxidized LDLs (formed by oxidative stress) also stick and start accumulating. Note, this is not the root cause.

5. Who lives the longest, those with total cholesterol from 210-240 or those with total cholesterol from 150-190? Answer: 210-240. You need cholesterol.

