Biotoxin IX: Peeing Like a Racehorse
November 20, 2017
References: Surviving Mold, Biotoxin Journey,
How often do you take a leak? Four to five times a day? Once at night? Or have you gotten used to urinating every hour? Twenty times a day? Do you get up more than twice at night? Do you feel thirsty all the time? Even more mysterious, do you have a lot of static shocks? If so, these are all they symptoms of biotoxin illness affecting the pituitary gland.
Once you understand it and you learn how to fix it, you breathe a sigh of relief. You cancel your scheduled prostate surgery. You decline to go to the GYN doctor for bladder sling surgery. You weren't getting old, you are biotoxin affected. And this symptom may be one of the only prominent ones you have. To really be fixed, you have to go back to the source and get rid of your exposure to biotoxin (usually mold). Here is what is going on.
Your brain has a meter that measures the concentration of your blood - the number of particles in it. That's called your osmolality. It is tightly regulated in a very narrow range. When you drink a lot of water, your total "concentration" of ions, or osmolality falls. Every membrane of every cell in your body depends on that concentration being reliably consistent. If it is falling, you protect yourself by NOT secreting your regulatory hormone called ADH or anti-diuretic hormone. ADH acts by telling your kidney to hang on to water. (Anti Diuretic means it stops you forming urine.) Without ADH, your rapidly start to let go of all that extra water you just drank. Vice versa, if you are dehydrated, your ADH goes way up and your kidneys promptly stop excreting out any liquid and start to concentrate your urine. You get the feeling of thirst and seek water to drink. That brings your concentration back into line.
This is a very elegant system and works in a very tight range. Biotoxins upset that applecart. For any given osmolality, your secretion of ADH is just a bit short, so you pee out more free water than you intended to. The concentration of your blood, your osmolality, rises. You feel thirsty and drink more to catch up. But it's the lack of ADH comes first. You are drinking to keep up, and not always accomplishing it. Your blood concentration, or osmolality, rises, maybe not out of the normal range, but too high for the ADH level you are making. 60% of biotoxin damaged folks have this symptom.
This is where it gets weird. Your sweat glands are designed to help out. They can excrete a tiny amount of salt when your blood is too concentrated. If your kidneys won't hang onto free water, your sweat glands try to make up for it by getting rid of extra salt.. Your skin gets to have a slight layer of salt on its surface. Salt is a great conductor of electricity. You become a walking battery. You touch anything with any charge on it, and you readily accept it, or transmit it. Little sparks fly off of you. No kidding! For those whom this affects, this can be a royal pain. You find yourself turning off switches with your elbow, not shaking hands, avoiding wool clothing. And you get a headache from hell. Your brain takes great exception to this slightly over concentrated blood and complains loudly.
You may have blood tests that are hardly abnormal, but not matched. For a given osmolality, you need a certain ADH, and you come up short. The biotoxin has short-circuited your measurement device in your hypothalamus/pituitary. You can go to every headache clinic in America and not come up with an answer. How to fix this? That's the next step in the biotoxin pathway. A simple, inexpensive analog to ADH called DDAVP, used for years to help kids stop bedwetting, helps you stop peeing every twenty minutes too. A dose of 0.2 mg once a day to every other day for a 10-30 period might just shake you back into shape, provided you have gotten rid of the biotoxin. It's too easy a fix not to jump on.
There are several regimens for DDAVP, which we will get to in future weeks too. Coming up is how DDAVP fixes some nosebleeds. (There are some potential side effects: if you don’t get rid of water, you may get edema and gain weight with that.) Of note, some folks are exquisitely sensitive to ddavp and retain too much water. You must check your electrolytes. very carefully for a week or two to see it that applies to you. No kidding.
WWW.What will work for me. This is such a weird symptom, few folks notice it on their own, thinking instead that they are just getting old. It can be one of the symptoms that sneaks up on you when you aren't horribly damaged yet by the biotoxin. Take warning. Get the biotoxin cleaned up or avoided before you get sicker.
Pop Quiz
- When your blood gets too concentrated you feel thirsty and drink plain water? T or F Answer: TRUE
- The hormone that helps with your dehydration is called? Answer: ANTI-diuretic hormone or ADH. It is against you leaking out too much liquid
- What is the defect caused in biotoxin illness? Answer: too little ADH for any given concentration of blood.
- The main symptom of that is? Answer: too frequent urination.
- How often does this happen? Answer 60% of the time in biotoxin illness
- And way do these folks have unusually frequent static shocks? Answer: their sweat glands excrete a bit of extra salt, trying to help with the salt imbalance. This makes their skin a good electrical conductor, resulting in unusual skin conductivity.