Biotoxin XIV Fixing TGF Beta 1 with Losartan

December 26, 2017

Biotoxin XIV: Fixing TGF-Beta1

 References: Shoemaker Protocol, Science, Wikipedia, Sci Rep 2017,

 We are almost at the end of our Biotoxin Treatment Pathway. Fixing TGF-beta 1 is next to last. If your level is over 2380, you need to fix it. And fix it you can. What is it that TGF-beta 1 does? It's a member of superfamily of cytokines in that it has myriad functions. It plays a key roll in cellular differentiation, proliferation, and finally apoptosis. Many cells secrete it and respond to it, so our understanding of it is just getting started. We do see it act badly in Marfan's syndrome where folks are super stretchy and bendy and have a "wingspan" greater than their height. They often die from burst aortic aneurysms, caused by too much TGF-beta 1.

In fact, someone whose wingspan is greater than their height is very likely to have an elevated TGFb1. Hmmm. Might you measure yours? If you have an autoimmune disease, know your wingspan, and your TGFb1, as fixing your mold illness may revert your BT illness. Cool, huh!

Levels of 5000 and below usually aren't too sick but over 10,000 and you are almost certain to have some identifiable effect. Lung, joint, brain are common victims. For example, in the brain we know that glial cells put out Glial Fibrillatory Acidic Protein, that inhibits cell growth and axonal connections. In lungs we suspect that at many as 50% of adults developing new asthma are doing so from biotoxin illness with 'TGF-beta 1 playing a leading roll. TGF beta 1 drives the development of imbalance between T-regulatory CD4+CD25++ cells and TH-17 cells. This might be at the heart of autoimmunity. T-regulatory cells help prevent autoimmunity – the body attacking itself. In some with biotoxin illness, T-regulatory cells are improperly changed into pathogenic effector T-cells by TH-17 cells.

The next effect is an endless positive feedback look driving more TGF beta 1. We can now measure CD4+CD25++ and CD4+CD25++127lo/- cells as one method of getting to the heart of this imbalance. Can you imagine if this works out to have a major impact on ALL autoimmune disease. That would be so amazing!

 How do you fix it? Actually, it's easy....well, sort of. Cozaar, or Losartan, yes - a high blood pressure mediation lowers TGFbeta 1. If it is above 2380, and particularly if T-regulatory CD4+CD25++ combo cell levels are less than 18, you need to be on Losartan. 25 mg twice a day will do most adults, but if blood pressure doesn't drop too much, 50 mg a day will push it even faster. For how long? Until you are better. Not years, weeks. Maybe months. Provided you are out of the biotoxin environment and not being reignited with new inflammation. For those whose blood pressure is too low, VIP spray also works. (Next week).

 What is it that Losartan does? Remember, you asked: here goes: "EXP3179, but not losartan and EXP3174, dose-dependently inhibited (P<0.05) phorbol myristate acetate and insulin-stimulated NADPH oxidase activity. EXP3179 also inhibited phorbol myristate acetate-induced NADPH oxidase in endothelial cells. In addition, EXP3179 inhibited (P<0.05) both phorbol myristate acetate-stimulated p47phox translocation from cytosol to membranes and protein kinase C activity." Did you get that? I didn't either till I read it three times. Remember, EXP3179 does it, not Losartan. But it does lower TGF-beta 1. Aren't you relieved! Stupid little high blood pressure medicine, works wonders on TGFb1.

 WWW.What will work for me. I'm seeing tons of folks with CIRS and mold illness with TGFb1 over 10,000. My highest has been 28,000 something and that person answered 29 symptoms on Shoemaker's symptom list. Mostly they said their brain just didn't work. Can you imagine the wonder I feel to see folks getting better from a mystery illness that heretofore went not only unrecognized, but blamed on the victim? It's like a Christmas present.

 Pop Quiz:

 1. TGFb1 is ....? Answer: a peptide cytokine that has regulatory properties for cell growth and differential, and eventually cell death. It plays a key role in facilitating autoimmune disease.

 2. It needs treatment to lower it when...? Answer If you feel sick and have levels over 2380,

 3. The best way to lower it is with a drug called.....? Answer: Losartan

 4. How long do you have to treat for? Answer: until better with normal TGFb1, which might be a couple of weeks or months. Or VIP

 5. If you are "double jointed" and can bend your fingers back to your wrist or scratch the middle of our back easily, you might first want to measure what? Answer: Your wingspan, then your TGFb1.

